Saturday, December 10, 2005

Anchor Babies

Immigration is a nice distraction from Iraq. Almost every place in the country you can look around and see people not speaking English. It's almost long as you don't count the whole "give us your tired, your poor, etc., etc." nonsense.

From the SacBee we learn that Wally is backing a bill that would deny citizenship to babies born in the US if their parents are not here legally. Apparently the fact that this would violate the 14th Amendment is not lost on our duly elected representatives in Washington.

"We do have an ongoing problem with these 'anchor' babies," (Devin) Nunes said, "but we also have a tough time with changing the law."

It's not just "the law," it's the Constitution. I'm sure the irony that this country was founded by immigrants is, in fact, lost on our representatives in Washington. Maybe they should just propose a bill that would place all financial burden of the illegal parents on the "anchor baby." It could work just like the national debt.

To be honest I'm a bit surprised that Wally is backing this bill since he is a "friend" of the farmer here in the north state. Cheap manual labor around here is traditionally done by immigrant workers. I'm not saying that the immigrant worker population is here illegally, I'm just saying I doubt many people are keeping up with the checking of paperwork. You gotta keep those prices down you know.

Update: The LA Times picks up on the story as well. No mention of Wally though.

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